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A believer in Christ Jesus for over forty years.

Sunday, 23 February 2025

He was tempted in every way

 He was tempted in every way

In the book of Hebrews we read,

“Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has gone through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess.  

For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin.” Hebrews 4:14,15.  

Here is the unique thing about Jesus. Jesus was God incarnate, God in the flesh. He lived on this earth as a man. Jesus experienced everything a man could experience. He was tempted just like we are. Yet he didn’t sin.

As a result we can never stand before God on judgement day and say “You don’t know what it was to be human, because you have always been divine”.

Jesus lived life as a human and therefore knows what it is to be human. 

In his lifetime Jesus and his parents became political refugees having to run to Egypt in order to save his life. Jesus attended various events such as marriages. He knows what it is to have good friends. He also knows what it is like to have enemies. To be falsely accused of a crime he didn’t commit. He also experienced the harsh reality of a Roman whip and crucifixion.

And think about it he even experience the mundane things in life like dusty feet, rain against his face. The warmth of the sun.

In short Jesus experienced all that it was to be human from the best mankind could offer to the worst mankind could do to an individual.

Which is why he can judge us fairly.

Please think about it.

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