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A believer in Christ Jesus for over forty years.

Saturday 3 August 2024

Praise God before the gods

  Praise God before the gods

The Psalmist writes,

“I will praise you, O LORD, with all my heart; before the "gods" I will sing your praise. Psalm 138:1.

At first glance this verse seems to be an unnecessary statement in the twenty-first century. After all there are no “gods” in this century.

Quite the contrary there are as probably as many gods in 2024AD as there were in 2024BC. 

The thing is while the gods that were in 2024BC have faded into history. There has arisen new gods in 2024AD. Things that we may not realize we hold to be gods. A god by my way of thinking is anything we put our trust in blindly or otherwise. One of the most obvious ones being money and our material possessions. Other things might be religious or political leaders. Again people we follow blindly or otherwise.

Such gods can easily trick us into following them. By the promise of wealth or health or even prestige and social standing.

As believers in the One True God it is important for us to keep our eyes on Him. Not only that but openly praise the LORD with our whole heart publicly, in word and in deed.

We need to in a loving manner tell the world around us that we serve the LORD God Almighty.

If you consider yourself a Christian. Do you praise God publicly in word and deed?

Please think about it.

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