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A believer in Christ Jesus for over forty years.

Friday, 5 February 2016

False Teachers

False Teachers
The Apostle Paul writes,
“For the time will come when men will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.  
They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths.” 
                                                                                                    2Timothy 4:3,4.
What Paul is writing about is happening today in Christian circles. There are men and women in the media and churches that are not putting up with sound doctrine. This should not be so.
Christians need to be on their guard against false teachers.
False teachers can be hard to spot as they sound good. They put scripture together in such away that it’s hard to tell if they are right or wrong at times.
We had a man come to preach at our little church once. Our pastor was going on holiday and this man a former pastor himself came recommended.
I happened to be on sound that day and from the sound booth I could see he was getting the congregation excited.
Unfortunately he wasn’t far into his sermon when he started to misquote scriptures. There were several afterwards that came up to me and mentioned that what he was saying was wrong. I knew it, and took the tape and a written transcript of the tape of the sermon to our pastor noting the errors, when he returned the next week. These were errors a Sunday School child could see.
In the eighty minute plus sermon there were dozens of errors but.because he was an excellent speaker he made the garbage he spouted sound good.
The sad thing in all of this was the majority of the congregation did not see the errors. They trusted the man because he was in the pulpit.
That’s the way it is with many who support Evangelist and pastors in other churches and in the media. They trust a person simply because they are preaching from a pulpit.
Our church is only small but we conduct our bible study in a very open way. I lead the study but everyone in the study has the right to give their interpretation of what they are studying, and the reason they believe so. If people disagree with the interpretation they are free to express their disagreements and explain why they disagree.
Everything is up for debate.
It is our goal to get to the unadulterated truth in what we are studying. We used  various commentaries, not just one. We delve into the history books and other resources  if necessary to understand things.
    It has resulted in the changing of some peoples Minds on what they believed on some important issues.
I and other leaders in the church find that encouraging people to study the Bible themselves and asking questions is a good thing.
It keeps everyone on their toes and seeking truth.
This is what all who call themselves Christians should be doing.
Please think about it. 

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