“Where am I?
What, am...
I doing here?”
“You are here.”
Says the Conductor.
“Your ticket please.”
“I bought no ticket.
I took no ride.
Where am I?”
“Your ride is over.”
Says the Conductor,
“Your ride is over, You are here. All take the ride.
Your ticket’s paid for, Says the Conductor You are here.
Your ticket please, Please your ticket. Your ticket.
“I took no ride!
Where am I?
I demand to know!”
“I took no...
Am I...”
“You are here.
All take the ride.
The ride to eternity.”
Say’s the Conductor.
The ticket paid for,
With My blood.
I have no ticket...
One thing Atheist and Christians agree on is that we will not get out of this life alive. That we, if you will, are riding on a train to eternity.
Where the believer or non believer will spend eternity will be determined by a free ticket offered to you and paid for by Jesus Christ the Son of God.
Do you have your ticket?
“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.”
John 14:6
Think about it.
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